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What is reachat?

Reachat was born out of the recognition that building robust, feature-rich chat interfaces is more complex than it appears. Reachat handles the intricacies of message rendering, user interactions, and layout management, allowing developers to focus on their unique application logic. Despite its comprehensive feature set, reachat remains highly customizable, enabling you to tailor every aspect to your specific needs without sacrificing ease of use or performance.

Why reachat?

  • Highly Customizable: reachat is built on top of Tailwind CSS allowing you to customize every aspect of the chat UI to your specific needs.
  • Rich Media Support: reachat supports markdown rendering, image and video embeds and custom remark plugins.
  • Flexible and Extensible: reachat leverages slots to allow developers to swap out components without loosing all the magic of the library.
  • Multi-Provider Support: reachat isn’t coupled to any specific provider or data model. Its simply a set of building blocks that can be used to build chat UIs for any data source.
  • Open Source: reablocks is open-source and free to use and we plan to keep it that way. You can use it in your personal or commercial projects.

How do I get started?

To get started with reachat, check out the Getting Started page. It will walk you through how to install reachat and get up and running.